The Use of New TV´s at NPHS


North Providence High school recently underwent some major changes when new smart boards in the forms of giant TVs were wheeled into classrooms. For almost a month, these tvs sat collecting dust while teachers were warned not to use them without the proper training. That was until mid way through march, when teachers were trained during a PD day and the TVs were finally put to good use. 

For math and science classes that involve a lot of student participation and note taking, these TV´s are extremely helpful. But for English and Social studies classes that have heavy lectures and in class assignments these TV´s are being left practically untouched. According to Mrs Diaz (an english teacher), ¨they take up useful real estate in the room, they could have a much more functional set up¨.

These TV´s cost a couple thousand dollars each and for even one of them to be unused is unjustifiable. But for multiple to be left untouched raises the question ¨Are they necessary? ¨. The answer is not an easy one, on one hand they have been extremely helpful to select classrooms. But for so much money to be used for select classrooms, why couldn’t a smaller number of TVs be purchased rather than for every classroom. When there are so many other renovations that could be done to NPHS with the money used for these TV´s it seems as if the entire purchase might have been a waste.

 It must be said that the quality of these TV´s is not being questioned, there is no doubt that they are extremely useful and of high quality. The TV´s are of great convenience to many teachers, just not every teacher at North Providence High School.