2021 AP Exams—How Will They Look In the Midst of COVID-19?

CollegeBoard AP logo.

Paula Zhuang

As the fourth quarter approaches at North Providence High, testing looms on the horizon for its students—SATs, PSATs, final exams, and of course, AP exams.

This year, there are three testing dates for each subject, from the period of early May to mid-June. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, CollegeBoard is offering the both exams digitally and on paper, with the ability to take a digital test either at home or in-school. Schools have the freedom to choose testing dates and formats for their students.

The Value of AP exams – North Star

In the past weeks, students enrolled in Advanced Placement classes at NPHS have worked with their teachers and classmates to decide on a common administration date for each class. Individual students could select their own preferred format.

As of now, the dates and forms have been largely decided. According to Crystal Bozigian, the AP Coordinator at NPHS, students cannot switch to paper exams anymore because those were ordered previously and will be shipped to the school. However, she adds that it is still possible to change from paper and pencil to a digital exam, as long as the decision is made at least eight days before the scheduled exam date.

Bozigian goes on to explain that most AP students—approximately 75%—chose the digital exam, of which 50% selected to test in-school. However, she emphasizes that there is no “better” format this year due to students’ varying needs in the pandemic, elaborating that, “It was important to me and the administration team that we gave students the option that they were most comfortable with in order to ensure one less stress on test day.”

Although AP exams will be administered differently this year, the bulk of the test is the same. As the dates draw closer, students must gear up for the challenge and prepare to put their best foot forward.