A Definitive List of the Most Aggravating Things About Christmas (Student Edition)

A Definitive List of the Most Aggravating Things About Christmas (Student Edition)

Christmas “begins” in October. Why are the decorations and music showing up right after Halloween? Seriously!

The teacher that assigns homework over Holiday Recess!

Parents who don’t let you eat until everyone is at the table. We’re hungry here!

Having to wait until everyone in the family is awake on Christmas day to open gifts.

Parents who insist on Instagramming you and every present you get before you get to open it. They all look alike until you’ve torn off the wrapping paper! Plus, we look terrible! It’s first thing in the morning!

Too many decorations outside of a house. If you can see the yard from space, it’s too many lights.

Having a birthday on or really close to Christmas. They say you don’t get less gifts than someone born in July but you know that you do.

People who keep up their decorations until mid April.

Christmas music and hearing the same five songs over and over again. Who here is sick to death of “All I Want for Christmas is You” by Mariah Carey

Having to thank relatives you don’t know for gifts you don’t want.

All the best shows are in hiatus until after the holidays and we are stuck with the same tired Christmas movies that we were sick of 5 years ago. Elf was funny the first 10 times we saw it, but it’s getting a little old…

Christmas themed worksheets in class the week before the break starts. It’s fun to learn but getting the area of a Christmas Tree shaped triangle and various rectangle presents is a bit much.

Cars with antlers and reindeer noses – they are cute but Shannon Donnelly doesn’t like them.

Older siblings coming home for the holidays, taking back their rooms, pushing us around, and generally being in the way. You’ve been gone three months – we rule the roost now!

Dressing up in your best and most uncomfortable clothes on Christmas morning only to eat dinner at the same old dining room table in your house.