International Club

On April 2nd and May 5th, the International Club hosted its two annual main events, International Day and International Buffet respectively.

During the first event students of the club displayed their projects of various countries in the library. Viewing students were given a scavenger hunt with questions about the different countries, and a lucky winner after finishing the scavenger hunt could have won a ticket to the International Buffet.

At the buffet, students brought in ethnic dishes for the faculty, staff, a lucky student, and themselves. In regard to the lunch, Ms. DePalma, who runs International Club, commented, “The International Buffet is one of the most enjoyable events and I look forward to it each and every year. I love to sample and enjoy all the student’s fabulous dishes that they prepare for us, for everyone to share. I really appreciate their generosity and attention and being so engaged in the international buffet and the club throughout the year.” The students served teachers during the first, second, and third lunches. Once they finished, they also indulged in the feast.

Another year went by with a successful International Day and Buffet.


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Photos by Jessica Martineau