Have you ever had a song that touched you so close to your heart you don’t know why but you can’t stop thinking about it? Music acts as a form of communication for many artists, including NPHS student Joseph Rebello.
For his senior project, he wanted to take on something that would mean the most to him, which was music. He challenged himself in learning how to play the guitar as well as playing the songs “Linger” by the Cranberries and “Creep” by Radiohead in front of judges to show how emotional songs take place in many people’s hearts. At first, he was planning on learning how to play the drums. However, he wanted to challenge himself so he picked the guitar in which he thought was much harder and took more time. He decided this would be his senior project because he never really knew how to express his feelings, but he wondered if playing the guitar would help him out with that.
His mentor for this senior project is a guitarist named Artie Boff. Many of you may not know, but he once owned the Luca Music on Mineral Spring Ave. Boff has been playing the guitar for over 35 years and now owns a store in Johnston called Musicians Corner. Rebello has also known Boff for a while now, so he thought what better person to ask to be his mentor and help him out than Boff.
Rebello has came a long way from the beginning of his senior project. He has learned most songs and is at a point where he can play any song from listening or watching a video no matter how hard it is! Something this senior project has taught Rebello is that “If you find something very important to you and it seems embarrassing, no matter what, stick with it because you never know how far it could take you like music has took with me.”- Rebello