On Wednesday, March 12th, seniors Matthew Martin and Richard Chen held a Faculty vs. Student Volleyball Game for their senior project. With the help of their mentor, Melanie Howard, their night was very successful!
They first drew inspiration for their senior project from their passion for volleyball. Matthew and Richard quickly knew that they wanted their topic to correlate to a school event. Since their research was based on building a positive climate between teachers and students, they knew a volleyball game would be a great idea.
“Our coach and mentor Melanie Howard was a huge help,” says Matthew. “We couldn’t have done it without her.” She helped them design the shirts for the event and helped grasp their understanding for their topic.
One important part of the event was getting it off the ground. To spread the word, they created fliers and posted them around the school, invited people to the game, and even made an appearance on the morning announcements. With these ideas, they noticed that the turnout this year was amazing. “Everyone seemed to be having fun and that was the point of our senior project,” says Richard.
A crucial part of the night was raising money for the boys volleyball team. While they had free admission, they collected donations at the door. They felt that the free admission would make people want come and watch an entertaining game!
Overall, teachers had a great time going against their students. Both the students and the teachers put up a good fight and showcased sportsmanship. “I believe that being friendly and having a good relationship between teachers and students is one of the best things for a kid in school,” says Matthew.
Richard and Matthew thank the supporters, teachers, students, and volunteers who came out and supported their senior project.
Congratulations to a successful night!