It’s math-lover’s favorite day of the year again: pi day! When someone mentions pi, you typically think of the food before the math. Fortunately, on Friday, 3/14, after lunch, Math Club is selling pies ($2), pencils ($0.50), and bracelets ($0.50) to celebrate the holiday! So find your inner nerd and swing by to get a pi(e)!
Fun facts about pi day:
- It’s Albert Einstein’s birthday!
- The pi symbol has been in use for more than 300 years
- Rajveer Meena was the person able to recite the most numbers of pi, 70,000 decimal places
- There’s actually a language made from the number pi
- At the Exploration science museum there’s a (circular!) parade every year on pi day where everyone participating holds a digit of pi
- William Shanks found the first 707 digits of pi (before computers), but his 527th digit was wrong, so the next 180 were also wrong
- The earliest use of pi was documented about 4,000 years ago in Babylon
- The calculation of pi is a stress test for computers