As a student, it’s always been a goal to be inducted into the National Honor Society. It opens doors to college admissions, scholarships, and other opportunities. And, as I fill out the application, the essays, the teacher recommendations, the community service hours make it feel like the stress outweighs the rewards.
I’m not alone in feeling this way. Many of my peers are in the same boat. Working through every section of the application, trying to balance our grades, extracurriculars, and personal lives can seem like a lot at times. I’ve spent hours trying to write the perfect essays that showcase my leadership skills and service, yet there’s always that feeling that I’m not doing enough.
In the end, I know that the benefits of being inducted into NHS go beyond. It’s an opportunity to collaborate with other students, projects, and develop skills that will be useful far beyond high school. And while the application may seem like a lot now, I can’t ignore the fact that becoming a part of NHS could open new doors.
So yes, the process is difficult, and yes, it can be stressful. But I remind myself that sometimes, the most valuable experiences come from the challenges we face. In the end, the time spent completing this application will hopefully be worth it. Whether or not I’m accepted, I know that I’ve learned something about myself. And in that way, the experience will have been worth it, no matter the outcome.