Four years ago, we took a journey together setting important goals, high achieving expectations, and endless opportunities that a CTE Program could offer at North Providence High School. Together, we built a community of learners who truly understood the attributes of commitment, a diligent work ethic, and determination to set their own academic, career, & personal goals, striving to meet the 21st century expectations of school and career.
Additionally, many of you took advantage of the multiple opportunities that would enhance your future career aspirations. Along this journey, you made lifelong friendships, connected with your teachers who helped shape the student you represent today, and set unbelievable precedents for the NPHS CTE Programs.
The community that we built has afforded you experiences and opportunities to earn college credits, industry credentials, and certifications. Having worked with mentors from industry across the state of R.I. has empowered you to explore a variety of career clusters, collaborate with professionals, and accrue real world training.
To say I am above and beyond proud is an understatement. Your passion, drive, and dedication has paved the way for so many others. I am honored and humbled to have been a part of this amazing journey with each one of you.
Abraham Lincoln once said, “I do the very best I know how – the very best I can; and I mean to keep on doing so until the end”. Your journey has endless opportunities. You all have made me so very proud and I would have not wanted to journey with anyone else on this unknown road that we paved together.
Our community is strong, innovative, and successful! You are an unforgettable group of seniors and will always have such a special place in my heart.