Attention class of 2026!
Do you want your voice to be heard? If you feel this way, then voting for a class officer that represents you and your opinions would make a huge change. Election day is on May 16th and 17th. You will be able to vote for a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and two Social Committees through a Google form in the 2026 classroom. The winners of each category will be our class officers until senior year. Below are the current candidates for each role:
- Gaby Paulino-Cabrera
- Lyndsie Lapierre
Vice President:
- Ally Luna
- Maggie Martin
- Alyssa Marciano
- Kristen Fernandez
- Mendy Chen
- Olivia Pascale
- Seth Pimental
Social Committee:
- Bella Barletta
- Jaliah Monteiro
- Lauren Riley
- Gabe Houde
- Yvie Bolduc
Your voice, your vote. Make the change that you want to see.