The North Providence Drama Troupe 8810 is officially back in session as directors Mrs. Thomas & Mrs. Kelly have announced the upcoming fall and spring shows for the 2023-2024 season. The club met in the library after school Monday the 11th and watched as their directors put on a special presentation to reveal the two titles. The first–Reunited Shorts–was prefaced by Mrs. Kelly as a “smaller, more obscure” production and will be an experiment for the drama troupe as a whole. The play, or plays, is a series of short two-person interactions that display a reunion of some sorts. It was reported that these exchanges are going to follow varying genres, with a fair blend of comedy, drama, and feel-good. Not only does the new format of play debut this year, but the setting at which the play takes place will see a big change. On account of the current $1.5mil renovation of the auditorium, the NPHS Drama Troupe will host their fall shows at the local Academy Players of Rhode Island theater in Providence. The theater is noticeably smaller in size and will be a different experience for viewers with a much up-closer layout.
With such a vastly different design this year, I took upon the liberty of asking members of the club their thoughts on the upcoming changes. Returning after her role as Missy in 9-5, senior Abby King feels “…for us, as a drama family, that’s our home (the auditorium).” King also goes on to talk about how new members aren’t going to see “much of a difference” in the new environment. Drama club vice president Nora O’Connor believes that the odd circumstances of the straight play could be a “pleasant surprise” and reports that “we’ll probably have a lot more fun with it than we think we will”.
If one thing is certain, it’s that this drama troupe is locked and ready to go for the upcoming 23-24 season. Look out for Reunited Shorts on December 1, 2, and 3rd!