Last Minute Tips Before SAT/PSAT

Mendy Chen, Reporter

As much as we all hate it, the day for SAT testing and PSAT is creeping up on us. It seems like it was months before, but now it’s just weeks. So, you have been studying nonstop to the point where you feel like your brain is a ticking bomb about to explode.

Here are some last-minute tips before SAT/PSAT.

  1. Take a deep breath. I know it’s nerve-racking but don’t let your nerves get to you when you take the test. After all, all that studying would have been wasted.
  2. Get a good night’s sleep. This is extremely important. Your brain needs to rest in order to perform well the next day. 8-10 hours is the recommended amount of hours of sleep. Make sure to get at least 8 hours!
  3. Wake up extra early. Therefore, you would not be rushed or feel like you forgot anything. You will feel prepared and confident.
  4. Have a healthy breakfast. This is a great way to start off the day with energy. In addition, you won’t be hungry or thinking about lunch during the SAT/PSAT.
  5. Stay calm. If you don’t score high on the SAT it’s not the end of the world. Many colleges are now SAT optional. However, if you do good on the SAT it will only benefit you if put on your application.