Spirit Week Successful But Critiqued
From left to right, seniors Cristina Alcala, Leandhy Williams, Paula Zhuang, Linda Guo, Juliana Hoyt, and Caleb Estrada wear black to represent their grade for Class Color Day.
October 26, 2021
Nothing can diminish the Cougars’ spirit!
From October 18th to October 22nd, North Providence High boasted an eventful Spirit Week. Themes ranged from classic to fun, including America Monday, Tiki Tuesday, Wear Your Team Wednesday, Class Color Thursday, and Blue and Gold Friday. Awards were presented on Friday to those with the most spirit.

Teachers joined in on the action as well. On Monday, science instructors Mr. Bowers and Mrs. Goulding dressed up as a bald eagle and the Statue of Liberty, respectively, to welcome students at the side entrance of the school.
However, many students believe the themes could have been more creative. Senior Cristina Alcala asserts that some themes were overly simple, stating, “I, as well as many that I know, would’ve enjoyed days such as Character Day, Meme Day, or Twin Day, topics that were more unique and fun.” Similarly, Jillian Dufault, a junior, recalls interesting ideas like “Bring Anything But Your Backpack Day” and “Throwback Thursday” that she saw on other schools’ social media and was hoping would be incorporated into NPHS’s week.
Despite some dissatisfaction with the themes, the week saw high turnout overall. It was interspersed with Spirit Night on October 19th, heightening the fun with games and friendly competition.