Ready to Take the Stage

Luckily this year live theatre is back, including North Providence High School’s very own drama club! This year the drama department is producing three different shows.

Sadie Evans, Reporter

Witnessing the thrill, spirit and energy of a live and in-person performance is an unforgettable experience for people everywhere! However, ever since the breakout of Covid-19 back in March of 2020, Broadway and theatre troupes around the globe have been shut down temporarily, which has not only heavily impacted the industry, but the people involved. Luckily this year live theatre is back, including North Providence High School’s very own drama club! This year the drama department is producing three different shows: A Christmas Carol Live Radio Show, the Senior Showcase, as well as the spring musical, Catch Me If You Can and there are tons of ways to get involved!

Auditions for the winter play and lead roles in the spring musical just concluded on October 1st and according to the co-director of the drama department, Alison Kelly, there is a lot to look forward to within the upcoming months.

“We had a fantastic turnout for drama this season,” says Kelly. “We could feel the excitement in the auditorium when we had over seventy-five people at our info meeting… We have over fifty students interested in joining our stage/production crew and have already seen over thirty students audition for Christmas Carol and/or for leads in Catch Me If You Can.”

With this many students willing to join the drama club we are in for one heck of a season.

According to Melissa Thomas, the other end to the directing duo, anyone and everyone is welcome in drama.

“Our program is entirely student run, with the exception of the Directors,” she says.

This means no matter your background, skill or experience level, you can be involved in drama in some way or another. This includes actors/singers, stage crew, ensemble, dance ensemble, set design, costumes, the music/band department, lights, you name it! Further auditions will take place in the winter for anyone interested in dance or regular ensemble in the spring musical. NPHS is always excited to welcome new members to their “drama family” and they always appreciate the support! Get ready for a fantastic year packed with excitement!