We Made It!: 2020-2021 School Year in Retrospect

Naeelah Desanges, Assistant Entertainment Editor

As we are approaching the end of the most unpredictable school year, we are now bestowed with the gift of hindsight. Through the Covid-19 Pandemic, we have learned to adapt in new ways and attained new skills, which allow us as the North Providence High School Student Body to persevere through the many trials and tribulations we faced as a whole. The fact that we have made it to the end of the school year despite these challenges is a great accomplishment in itself. In light of this fact, three of our very own peers have been interviewed to gain more insight into how they overcame the struggles of this school year and their general opinion of the year as a whole. 

In these interviews, Lana Cunningham, Domenic Intrieri, and Caroline Ricci were asked the same five questions. Lana is currently a Sophomore who has been distance learning for the entire school year, and Domenic has been in Hybrid Learning Model. Caroline is a Freshman who has been Distance Learning for the whole school year as well. 


Q: It was a tough year for all of us, but we should always look for the positive in every adversity. What’s one thing you liked about this school year? Why?

Lana: “I liked having art class as it allowed me to be creative but also unwind with all the surrounding stress and chaos around me. A lot of teachers also assigned fun projects so it wasn’t as stressful and tiresome to complete it all.”

Caroline: “I liked working on computers the best because I find it easier and faster than using textbooks, and worksheets.”

Domenic: “Something I really liked about this school year was the integration of technology. It helped me be organized knowing that all my assignments could be found in one place rather than one class only using paper and another using some technology.”


Q:What was one thing you wished was done differently? 

Lana: “I wish I had been more focused the first semester and not let surrounding influences affect me so much.”

Caroline: “I wish that the school would focus more on the online students because I’ve had a number of teachers who barely pay attention to them and it gets a little agitating sometimes.”

Domenic: “One thing I wish was done differently was, I wish I had created a better learning environment at home.”


Q: Which Type of Learning did you prefer? Why?

Lana: “Fully In-Person;  Even though I did full distance this year the full in person would have been my favorite since it would give me the opportunity to see people. Fully distance learning can become lonely and boring.”

Caroline: “Fully Distance; I don’t want to be around kids who can potentially have COVID and I find learning this way less distracting and easier.”

Domenic: “Full In-Person; I prefer this type of learning because I think it’s beneficial to be around people and also I’ve noticed I work better in a school environment.”


Q: What is one positive thing that happened to you this year?

Caroline: “One positive thing that happened to me this year was being able to get into softball again.”

Domenic: “Something positive that happened this school year was being able to see my teachers and friends in person. For a while I only saw them on a screen so it was great to see them in person.”


Q: Final Question! If you could give your past self some advice for getting through this school year, what would it be? Why? 

Lana: “I would have told myself to go in person at least first quarter just so I could meet and connect with my teachers so they could have a sense of who I am quicker.”

Caroline: “I would say that I should stay positive, I [should] work hard, be myself, keep my grades high and turn my work in on time. Why? Because it will all be worth it in the long run.”

Domenic:  “Go outside more! Being outside can help you de-stress and is a great safe way to exercise.”


Everyone will look back on the 2020-2021 school year and will have different opinions and feelings regarding this impressional year. Some are more tech savvy, while others are more social beings. Regardless of which of the many categories you find yourself in, know that you learn something new about yourself through every trial. Remember that the only way out of adversity is through and you made it! Congratulations and have a safe rest of the school year and summer.