Richard Reviews: Vice
January 29, 2019
Vice is a comedy-drama biography directed by Adam McKay. It stars Christian Bale, Amy Adams, Steve Carell, and Sam Rockwell. It is 2 hrs and 12 mins long and is rated R. The film follows Dick Cheney from when he first started working at the White House in the 1960’s to the present and chronicles how his decisions changed America while also delving into some of his personal life. The first half of the film was just OK. It did not really hook me into the film that much. However, it really picks up in the second half when 9/11 happens; Cheney basically tried to profit from the Iraq war. That half was easily the most interesting part of the film. Christian Bale steals the show because I truly believed he was Dick Cheney. He also stood out because of the great make up work. The rest of cast is also great, especially Sam Rockwell as George W. Bush. The film is well edited and gives out facts that were very interesting. Overall, Vice is a very good film but one that I would go in with caution. There may be some people who will get angry with the film because of the point it is trying to make, but I would recommend it. I will give Vice three popcorn buckets out of four.