Richard Reviews: Holmes and Watson
January 11, 2019
Holmes and Watson is directed by Etan Cohen and is a comedic adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s stories of detective Sherlock Holmes. Will Ferrell stars as Holmes while John C. Reilly portrays his assistant Dr. Watson. It is 90 minutes long and rated PG-13. The queen of England is about to die and the duo has only two days to figure out who the killer is and try to stop it from happening. What follows is a film that could have been another classic paring of two very funny actors but instead turned out to be possibly the worst film of 2018. The comedy resorts to unfunny gross out humor, stupid slapstick, yelling at the top of their lungs, and the over done “funniness” of British accents. Well I did not laugh at all, so you failed. Ferrell and Reilly do there best but it just does not work because of the material they are given. The rest of the cast is mediocre at best. It is also very poorly edited and the direction is nothing special. There are also continuity errors involving the Titanic. The inconstant continuity was probably done for comedic reasons but was still not funny. Please save your money and skip this one. There are better comedies out so go watch those instead. I give Holmes and Watson zero popcorn buckets.