Richard Reviews: Wonder

November 27, 2017
Wonder is a drama directed by Stephen Chbosky and stars Jacob Tremblay, Owen Wilson, Izabela Vidovic, and Julia Roberts and is based on the book of the same name. It is 113 minutes and is rated PG. The film chronicles the the story of Auggie, a kid with facial deformities from a genetic disease called Treacher Collins Syndrome. He enrolls into a public school and he attempts to make new friends while the movie also follows other characters and their own stories. I found this film to be very relatable because of the story it was telling. I felt as if I was the main character and that especially near the end. Everyone was great in the film and the characters felt real. I also like how the film does not just tell Auggie’s story but it delves into other characters stories so we get to know them more. My only issue with the film is that there is a character in the film who I felt was a stereotypical bully character. But besides that, this film was wonderful. I will give it three popcorn buckets.