Richard Reviews: Only the Brave

October 23, 2017
Only the Brave is a drama that stars Josh Brolin, Miles Teller, Jeff Bridges and Jennifer Connelly. It is 133 minutes and is rated PG-13. The film tells the true story about the Granite Mountain Hotshots who were a group of elite firefighters trying to protect their town from a wildfire in Arizona. However, this is not a film just about the wildfire, it is more about the characters’ families and their personal lives which was something I enjoyed about the film. Only the Brave is a very emotional film as well, especially at the end and throughout the credits. In addition, fantastic acting only further enhanced my unshaken enjoyment. I was able to witness the true characters in the story because the actors disappeared and meshed their souls into the roles, making it feel more viable and realistic. The editing was intricately done as well, providing a clear cut film with no unsettling visual errors. Only the Brave is a very good film that I would recommend to every individual. I give the film three insatiable popcorn buckets.